This is where I will document the annoyingly slow ups and downs of this journey called "weightloss"

Friday, January 8, 2010

13 reasons why...

so right now, im reading a book called "13 reasons why" and it is about a girl that has killed herself and left tapes telling people its their fault. not so uplifting, but its written well, or good enough. ANYWAY. NOT ON THE SUBJECT OF KILLING YOURSELF, i was going through my old weight watchers weight booklets looking for all of them so i could make a visual chart to show myself that i CAN in fact do this... when i noticed that there are 13 total weight booklets (including the one i'm in right now). i thought that was kindof funny. not 13 reasons to kill myself (as the book would have it) but 13 reasons to change my life.
13 reasons i know i can do this.
13 reasons i know it works.
13 reasons to finally get it right.
thats what was going through my head this evening.
oh AND, i was also thumbing through notes i have taken at the meetings and i came across these things:

"it's about finding help, changing your life and getting healthy"

be consistent
take care of yourself
success will follow

"success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day"- john rohn

prepare and prevent rather than repair and repent

"we may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now" -martin luther king

"take control of your consistent emotions and deliberately reshape your life" -anthony robbins

FACT: 57% of women over 18 who have to lose 11+ pounds claim to overeat during emotional situations.

here is a picture of all of my information i've accumulated, that should have helped in the past and hopefully will help in the future and the NOW...

here's to a healthy eating day tomorrow!

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