"by small and simple means, proceedeth that which is great"
these are two things i heard spoken this week and they were a little helpful in inspiring me to start anew this year.
this morning at my weigh-in, i learned (or heard for the eighteen thousandth time) that in order to get what i want i have to be clear on what i want. more often than not we find ourselves talking more about what we dont want than what we do want. by writing it down (and what a perfect time to be writing down goals than the first of the year), it becomes real, we can see and know what exactly it is that we want and come back to it to remind ourselves of that goal.
this week i need to reach into my soul and pull out what i want, not what i dont want. and i need to write it down somewhere where i can go to it easily.
i also need to CLEARLY define what it is that i want. use specifics and times, dates, places, people, sizes.
next i will need to make sure that what i want is something I CAN (and WILL) do, not something someone else would have to do.
lastly i need to make it fit in my life. be sure that what it is i want can be part of my lifestyle NOW.
i thought about it today while in my room thinking through things and i have decided that my overall weight goal is a bit daunting to think about in terms of "what is your goal for this week". my goal that i will be setting in front of myself is 5 lbs. i can lose 5 lbs. i WILL lose 5 lbs.
a man by the name of Gary R. Blair said
a goal is created three times.
first as a mental picture.
second, when written down to add clarity and dimension.
and third when you take action towards its achievement.
may the week bring happiness and success to all who are struggling through something in their life.
today was fast. i woke late after having gone back to sleep upon arriving home from the weight watchers meeting at 8am. mom and i had some veggies and dip for lunch and into the afternoon while we watched some movies and enjoyed time together drinking diet cokes.
for dinner, i didnt have anything green...i heated up some frozen chicken strips and had them with bbq sauce while i played video games with my sister.
work on water!
work on water!
work on water!
this needs to be a mantra of mine. i love water, i do, i just find it hard to fit in right now. and there is no excuse for this.
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