This is where I will document the annoyingly slow ups and downs of this journey called "weightloss"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It was brought to my attention in my Weight Watchers meeting on Monday, that when you lose weight, you sleep better. I hadn't thought about this until a woman said it and I realized that I am in fact getting better sleep. My back doesn't hurt while laying down all night and I don't find myself tossing and turning through the night like I did before I lost these 17 pounds. I used to think it was my old lumpy mattress, but really, I think it is the weight I'm working on taking off.

I am doing pretty well with the limited meat thing. Every few days I find myself having something with some chicken in it, or yesterday I had a turkey sub from Jimmy Johns (which I LOVE) but as far as red meat, I've managed to steer clear of it and have been feeling great. This past week I am having to really focus on getting in the greens and other protein sources so it's not just a carb load. I feel great after eating lentil soup or hummus and peppers and pitas, or a veggie burrito.

I used to think that "those people" that don't eat meat were just being annoying, but I am taking this turn in life for ME. It isn't about being like everyone else. It isn't about (necessarily) what the world is saying about carbs and ethics or whatever. No. This time, I am trying to find the right balance with food that works for my body so that I can achieve the results that I need to get my body into it's best form. It's best shape. I want to be healthier and have more energy. If taking out meat helps me to do this, then taking out meat is what I'll do. If it turns out that I do want to re-introduce meat into my life, then I will learn that as I go. Bottom line is, I am trying to listen to my body more and feel what I'm feeling.

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